Something new this year as volunteers help kick off Salvation Army's "Feed the Kids" program

MILWAUKEE -- The Salvation Army of Milwaukee County feeds thousands of children in the city every day. On Monday, June 20th, the Salvation Army kicked off it's "Feed The Kids" program -- and volunteers packed thousands of lunches for children to enjoy this summer.

"It takes some coordination," a volunteer said.

"It takes a partnership. We can't do this on our own," Major Dan Jennings with the Salvation Army said.

Salvation Army "Feed the Kids" program kickoff

"They make it a competition. So each table goes, 'ready, set, go' and then somebody just keeps it going," Faithe Colas with the Salvation Army said.

Salvation Army "Feed the Kids" program kickoff

Feed the Kids is a summer meal program designed to meet the needs of hungry children in Milwaukee’s poorest neighborhoods by providing them a nutritious meal during the summer months.

Salvation Army vans bring lunches to neighborhoods, parks and street corners serving more than 2,300 lunches a day, Monday - Friday, for 10 weeks each summer.

The meals are prepared by teams of volunteers, and then delivered to 24 distribution sites.

Salvation Army "Feed the Kids" program kickoff

"Putting sandwiches together. We've got an apple going in the bag and we got the skilled labor here tying the knots," a volunteer said.

During the summer, there is no school, and for some children in Milwaukee, the meal they receive through the Feed the Kids program is the only meal they'll get on a daily basis.

"Lunch for the kids that are not getting those school lunches," Major Jennings said.

Salvation Army "Feed the Kids" program kickoff

Two-thousands meals will be prepared every day. The bag lunches feature ham and cheese sandwiches -- but near the teams of volunteers on Monday was Alexa Alfaro.

"Today's bowl is going to be a pork adobo. It's a traditional Filipino dish," Alfaro said.

Alfaro, a food truck owner, donated $1 for every bowl sold during the lunch rush on Monday to the Salvation Army.

"We love this. This embodies everything that we are about -- being able to provide food to people and then being able to take some proceeds and donate it back is awesome," Alfaro said.

The Feed The Kids summer meals program began in 1990. Since then, The Salvation Army, has prepared and delivered more than two million meals in the city of Milwaukee.