St. Thomas More High School closed Monday due to flooding | FOX6 Milwaukee

St. Thomas More High School closed Monday due to flooding

MILWAUKEE -- St. Thomas More High School in Milwaukee is cleaning up after Sunday's heavy rains, which left its basement flooded.  School officials had to cancel classes Monday, May 7th while crews worked to soak up the standing water.

Close to two inches of water leaked into the school Sunday night, affecting 10 lower-level classrooms.

"It affected the science rooms, the foreign language rooms, our weight rooms and locker rooms a little bit. It was quite a bit of water, but they got on it right away and took care of it," Thomas More Building and Grounds Director Kevin Doan said.

Fans and dehumidifiers were placed throughout the lower level to get rid of any extra moisture inside the building.

"We had one area from where it just poured in from the outside.  It was almost like Niagara Falls," Doan said.

Damage estimates have not yet been made, but Doan expects them to be minor.  He says since the water was picked up so quickly, there is no major concern.

"I think it's just going to be some boxes that were on the floor in a classroom, something like that, so I don't anticipate any real damage," Doan said.

As of now, all athletic events are on as scheduled Monday night.  Classes are expected to resume Tuesday, May 8th.

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