Stolen art from Wisconsin State Fair honors widow's husband

It's not a Renoir or Picasso, but for a New Berlin woman, it's an irreplaceable piece of art.

Police say someone stole it from the Wisconsin State Fair.

Diane Bruening said she crafted the piece with items that honor her husband, who died suddenly in February. She said it's a keepsake for her family that cannot be duplicated.

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The sentimental value of this piece of crafted art means the world to Bruening and her daughter.

"It was her keepsake," Bruening said. "I've been doing this for 22 years, and you make things that mean something."

It's a tradition for Bruening to enter her homemade art pieces in the State Fair Craft Contest. In this case, a piece to remember her late husband.

"My daughter and I went on a trip to Missouri because my husband passed away in February, and he couldn’t go with me," Bruening said.

Richard was diagnosed with stage four cancer in January.

It was in his lungs, liver, brain and spine. He died less than a month later.

"Two weeks later, I had gone into the bedroom and he was taking his last breath," Bruening said. "I did CPR. They brought him back, but he passed eight days later. So he never woke up."

So she went to work, doing what she loves: crafting.

Making a piece of art crafted with love, and silk flower petals from her husband's casket.

She entered it in the contest and took third place.

But police say someone stole it from the Grand Champion Hall while on display.

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"Whoever took my piece of art please return it, no questions asked," she said. "It’s a keepsake and it means a lot to us."

She is offering a $100 reward. And not only does it hold a special place in Bruening's heart, but others, too.

"I just want it back. I mean there’s so many comments on Facebook," Bruening said. "All these strangers even offering to up the reward."

Bruening hopes someone will bring it back to where it belongs.

Police said someone stole the piece between Aug. 6 through Aug. 8. As of now, nothing has turned up.