Student could face legal trouble after 'n-word pass' distributed at Oconomowoc HS

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‘N-word’ pass at Oconomowoc HS

'N-word' pass at Oconomowoc HS

OCONOMOWOC -- An Oconomowoc High School student could face legal trouble for distributing what the school district describes as hate speech. It's hard to make out all of the words in the flyer, but the Oconomowoc parent who shared the photo with FOX6 News says it clearly says "n-word pass" at the top.

Oconomowoc High School

The parent, who asked not to be identified by FOX News, says that her daughter texted her a picture of the flyer as it was passed out at the high school Wednesday morning, Feb. 13.

According to the Oconomowoc Area School District, the flyer was created by one student with a photo taken from the internet, copied at home and distributed to roughly ten other students.

The district released the following statement on the incident:

The district says the student who made and distributed the flyers received school disciplinary consequences but they did not give specifics. The district also referred the student to the Oconomowoc Police Department.

Oconomowoc High School