Students at West Bend East and West High Schools live as adults for a day

WEST BEND -- Life is full of surprises. Students at West Bend East and West High Schools on Thursday, February 25th learned that first hand, as they took a step into the real world during the school's second annual "Reality Day."

"Reality Day" at West Bend West/East High Schools

"I'm an ultrasound tech and my husband doesn't work and I have three kids and a small house," said West Bend West High School senior Morgan Vechart.

Students chose a career and researched their net pay, and then they were given a life scenario.

"Reality Day" at West Bend West/East High Schools

"What they don't know is if they're married, they're single, they're divorced, they have children, they don't have children," said Cindy Menning, business and information technology instructor.

The students were required to put a percentage into savings, and then budget for their home, insurance, groceries, and car -- with sneaky salesmen encouraging them to spend beyond their means.

"They realize 'oh my goodness if I buy this vehicle I will have no money for food,'" said Menning.

"Reality Day" at West Bend West/East High Schools

These students learned that life happens. Every day there are things we must deal with. Sometimes we're faced with unexpected medical bills, or maybe an appliance breaks down and needs to be replaced, or maybe there are car problems.

"It sucks. Part of life I guess," said West Bend West High School junior Theran Wanta.

"Reality Day" at West Bend West/East High Schools

"The students get all flustered about that because they don't think about that," said Menning.

This was an effort to teach financial responsibility, with the hopes of keeping these students out of debt as they grow into adults.

"Even the little choices that you make, make a big difference," said Wanta.

"Reality Day" at West Bend West/East High Schools