Students in West Allis-West Milwaukee School District to start year virtually

Students who attend class in the West Allis-West Milwaukee School District will start the year virtually.

The administration and Returning to School Committee recommended on Monday, July 27 a plan that starts with virtual learning -- and phase-in options for in-person and distancing learning based on health metrics.

The school calendar is West Allis and West Milwaukee is set to begin on Sept. 8. The phase-in options are listed below.

Phase 1: Virtual Only

Phase 2: Two Days Elementary Distance Learning and Identified Students with Special Needs*

Phase 3: Five Days Elementary In-Person Learning

Phase 4: Two Days Secondary Distance Learning

Phase 5: Four Days Secondary In-Person Learning

Superintendent, Dr. Marty Lexmond said in a news release, "School will begin on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 with Virtual Learning. Then depending on health metrics, we will move to Distance learning (two days per week) and finally In-Person learning (five days per week for Elementary students and four days per week for Secondary students)."

Parents have been asked to select a specific option for their child(ren). The selection will be in place for the first quarter of the school year (pending any unforeseen input from state and local officials or health departments).

Parent Return to School Selection

In-Person Learning: My child will attend school in-person, five days per week (elementary) and four days per week (secondary) with limited social distancing available.

Distance Learning: To support physical distancing, my child will attend school using a plan that is a combination of in-person and virtual learning. (Students attend school two days a week with an alternating schedule so not all students are in the building at one time. When students are not in school, they receive teacher-led digital instruction with a computer device (provided).

Virtual Learning: My child will attend school virtually using a computer device (provided) and teacher-led digital instruction from home.

All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings in schools or on busses The district currently has inventory to provide each staff member and student with two masks and will provide clear face shields for students and teachers when educationally necessary.

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