Students, parents in Germantown deal with "one of the worst tragedies"
Students, staff in Germantown School District face tragedy after parents killed in crash
Students, staff in Germantown School District face tragedy after parents killed in crash
GERMANTOWN (WITI) -- Students and staff members of two schools in Germantown returned from Spring Break -- and are now trying to cope with tragedy. A husband and wife, parents of five young children lost their lives in a violent wreck on Highway 164 in Richfield on Friday, April 25th.
It was a tough day for many in the Germantown School District on Monday. The couple killed in the crash that occurred just after 2:30 a.m. Friday were well-known, and three of their young children attend Amy Belle Elementary School in Germantown -- and one of the children attends Kennedy Middle School in Germantown.
Social workers, school psychologists and counselors were on hand at both schools Monday for students and staff members who need help dealing with this tragedy.
Investigators say the vehicle 37-year-old Joshua and 38-year-old Monica Griebel were in crashed on Highway 164, just north of Highway Q in Richfield -- not far from their home in Colgate early Friday morning.
According to authorities, the car crossed the center line, entered a ditch, hit a culvert, went airborne and hit a utility pole.
The car landed upside down.
Joshua and Monica were pronounced dead at the scene.
The couple leaves behind five children, ranging in age from 16 months to 13 years.
"You could tell that our teachers were upset as well. They`ve known these kids since they first arrived at school. So you`re talking about eight years of working with those kids and those parents," Germantown School District Superintendent Jeff Holmes said.
Holmes met with the staff at Amy Belle Elementary School on Monday morning.
"I can tell you that we have a very caring staff and they're doing the very best they can for those students upon their return, making sure that they work well with the other students who do have questions," Holmes said.
Holmes says teachers had questions about how to handle certain questions that might come from students. Some of these students are very young, and are trying to understand a tragedy that may be very new for them. Holmes says it is important that teachers take their cues from parents.
"Discussing these things with the children should be from the parents, and where we help is second line. It is one of the worst tragedies that can occur, so we do foresee this is going to be a difficult time," Holmes said.
FOX6 News has learned a fund has been set up for the children at any BMO Harris Bank under the name: "Griebel Family Memorial Fund."
A fundraising event is planned for later this month.
Meanwhile, FOX6 News has received the following statement on behalf of the Griebel family:
"It is truly incredible to see this amazing community come together over such a terrible tragedy. Words cannot express the gratitude the family has been feeling. With every new worry that arises, blessings and answered prayers lay those worries to rest. God truly is amazing and has been the rock this family is holding on to get them through everything.
We are all still numb and in shock that Josh and Monica were taken too soon. We have no doubt that God will be there every step of the way in the lives of their 5 beautiful children left behind. They are loved by many and will remain in their home. They are currently cared for by their Aunt Becka & Uncle Dave who also have two children of their own.
A special “Thanks” goes out to Crossway Church and Pastor Jason Esposito, Mark Roberts, Jolene Pieper and countless others who are putting together meal & laundry trains and others donating support. The family is absolutely speechless and continues to be amazed with what family, friends, and strangers are willing to do in this time of crisis.
Continued prayers for this now family of 7 children are needed! The children will always be surrounded by love from the surviving family members and friends.
This tragedy will strengthen the bond between the two families as they work together to support the needs of all their children.
God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain. But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way!
In lieu of any flowers, if you feel led, donations are being taken at Associated Banks and BMO Harris for the Griebel family."
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