Swarms of midges make spending time outdoors uncomfortable

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Anyone who spent some time outdoors this past weekend dealt with them. Swarms of midges or lake flies are making it a challenge to truly enjoy what the outdoors has to offer.

On Milwaukee's lakefront, there's a good, clean eco system. The bad news is, those lake flies like that too.

"If the water's polluted and has a lot of debris and things like that they don't do so well," said Randy Allen of Wil-Kil Pest Control. "It's been a good year. It's been very wet and they're just out."

Jane Lacy had a memorable experience with the midges this past weekend.

"Last week, Milwaukee kickers had a soccer clinic in the park and we probably had 100 kids and you could hardly breathe they were flying so much in your face, just black swarms of gnats everywhere," said Lacy.

The lake flies are also known as May Flies. They're not gnats -- and right now, they're breeding and procreating. They come out in swarms, but they won't be here long.

"They come out for about two to three weeks and then they essentially die off," said Allen.

But it won't be long before another pest replaces that pesky lake fly or midge. Mosquitoes are expected to be plentiful this season.

"I think by Memorial Day, we're thinking that are going to be on the forefront of everybody's mind. They're going to be out. With all the moisture that we've had. The standing water that we still see in places, perfect breeding sites for them. And I think they`re going to do really well, early spring anyway," said Allen.