Tall grass, noxious weeds ordinance change in effect | FOX6 Milwaukee

Tall grass, noxious weeds ordinance change in effect

MILWAUKEE (WITI) --  Property owners in the City of Milwaukee are advised that a City ordinance amendment concerning tall grass and noxious weeds on their property is now in effect.

As part of the change,  no turf grass or weeds of any kind are permitted to grow or stand more than seven inches on any property in the City of Milwaukee.  Before the amendment was passed by the Common Council in July, the allowable height for grass and weeds had been nine inches.

""I think it should be lower than that. I don't think they should wait until it gets to 7 inches tall, especially with mosquito season around here. It just looks icky. It's just messy," Riverwest resident Linda Catena said.

With the summer warmth and the frequent moisture, the grasses and weeds can grow quickly -- creating an eyesore.

Another problem Catena sees with the condition of the properties that are in violation of the ordinance is crime.

"That just signals that there's nobody there. When nobody shovels or nobody cuts the lawn, that just signals that this house is empty," Catena said.

Property owners who violate this ordinance will be assessed a special charge of $50.  If the property is not mowed, a further special charge of $100 will be assessed, plus special charges for mowing costs. Any additional violations during the same calendar year shall be assessed a special $150 charge, plus additional charges for mowing. Special charges not paid within 30 days after billing will result in a lien being placed on the property, and will include a $25 administrative fee.

Residents can also alert DPW to problem properties by calling (414) 286-CITY.