Teacher sends first-grade, high school children off to first day of school

MILWAUKEE -- Tuesday, September 4th was the first day of school for most Milwaukee-area students. FOX6 News followed one Milwaukee first-grader through a busy morning, as she headed off for the first day of the school year.

Janet McCullum is a teacher at Vincent High School, but before she could start her 2012-2013 school year, Tuesday morning she was focused on getting her children started on theirs.

"I'm excited for my babies, and also my students and myself -- because I love what I do. I'm ready to get back into the swing of things," McCullum said.

Jalan McCullum headed to Rufus King High School Tuesday morning. Once Jalan was out the door, McCullum's attention turned to her daughter, Anastasia, who finished breakfast and started getting her school supplies organized for first grade!

The little girl and her mother headed to Gilbert Stuart Elementary School on Milwaukee's northwest side, where they got a greeting from Milwaukee Public Schools' Superintendent Gregory Thornton.

As Anastasia moved into her classroom Tuesday morning, her mother moved on.

"First day of school is just so overwhelming and so exciting. I know she's in good hands at Stuart, so I have no worries," McCullum said.

As children headed back into the classroom, drivers were reminded to be aware there are a lot of little ones out and about making their way to and from school and home.

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