There are signs of healing, progress in Milwaukee's Sherman Park neighborhood | FOX6 Milwaukee

There are signs of healing, progress in Milwaukee's Sherman Park neighborhood

MILWAUKEE -- There are now signs of healing and progress in Milwaukee's Sherman Park neighborhood. It was clearly evident on Wednesday, August 17th.

Right across the street from the burned out BP gas station destroyed in an arson fire when rioting broke out, FOX6 News was witness to a community group focusing on positive role models for children. Music and free haircuts were provided for kids in the neighborhood.

"We believe there was two groups -- the protesters and the opportunists. The protesters were coming out to vent because they were hurt by injustice and their beliefs -- something was wrong. We have the opportunists that are criminals who mixed themselves in with the protesters," said Monte Mabra, who is with a group called Voice of the Fatherless Child.

BP gas station at Sherman and Burleigh

Also Wednesday, ATF investigators were on the scene of several burned-out businesses destroyed in the weekend riots. Agents are combing through the properties. They are working to determine who is responsible for the fires -- despite the fact that there were crowds of people involved.

One officials asked Justin Knight for a copy of his drone video. He also offered it to FOX6 News. We were there as he launched his drone over the O'Reilly Auto Parts store -- and broadcast live on Facebook.

Justin Knight

Knight, who is from Kentucky, said he is an independent journalist traveling the country showing items of interest -- from Ferguson to Baltimore.

"The way to get change isn't through violence -- and I think most of them know that. But there's just some youth out here that get out of control sometimes," Knight said.