'They didn't deserve this:' Family of victims, gunman in 12th and Locust shooting left with pain, questions

Christopher Stokes

MILWAUKEE -- Prosecutors charged Christopher Stokes with five counts of intentional homicide, Thursday, April 30 after he allegedly gunned down five relatives inside a Milwaukee home.

Two of Stokes' nieces spoke exclusively with FOX6 News, heartbroken over the homicide. One of them lost two children in the grisly shooting, and the family says they have no idea why.

"I miss them so much. They didn't deserve this," said Tameka Stokes. "It's still so unreal to me to even think that he would do such a hideous thing to his family like that."

Five were gunned down at a home near 12th and Locust on Monday morning, April 27. The sorrow overtook a neighborhood and Stokes' niece, Tameka.

Five killed in shooting near 12th and Locust

"I feel pain, I feel hurt," she said.

A criminal complaint filed Thursday says two 9100 calls came in on April 27 from Stokes who said he "massacred" his whole family.

    All five were found shot multiple times. When an officer arrived and asked Stokes if he heard the shots, he said: "I didn't hear them, I did them."

    (L-R) Teresa Thomas, Tiera Agee, Demetrius Thomas, Lakeitha Stokes, Marcus Stokes

    Tilicha Stokes

    "The images just keep playing over and over and over," said Tilicha Stokes, Marcus and Lakeitha's mother. "I am never going to hear by daughter sing again. I am never going to hear my son's voice again.

    Not only is Tilicha Stokes the mother of Marcus and Lakeitha's -- she is also Christopher Stokes' niece.

    The family, searching for a motive as they mourn.

    Tameka Stokes

    "Why? What would even make you think about doing something like that," said Tameka. "We know we have to forgive, and we know we're not going to ever forget. The forgiveness right now, I don't think is going to happen any time soon."

    Family members are not exactly sure why Christopher Stokes opened fire on Monday, but his niece tells FOX6 News he was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago and has been upset and hard to connect with since learning the news.