Threat at South Milwaukee Middle, High School; police investigate | FOX6 Milwaukee

Threat at South Milwaukee Middle, High School; police investigate

Police investigated a threat in the South Milwaukee School District on Tuesday morning, Sept. 14. But a "secure hold" for the middle school and high school has been lifted.

During the course of the investigation, officials say they became aware of a middle school incident that occurred Monday. It appears a few students made comments as a result of a bomb threat in a neighboring district. Those students have been identified by the administration and police department.

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The remainder of the student day was to continue as normally scheduled.


Domestic abuse suspect dead; combative with police, Waukesha officials say

Waukesha officials say a domestic abuse suspect who became combative during a medical call for him early on Tuesday, Sept. 14 has died.


Contact 6 gets refunds for remodeling projects in August

When two women ran into problems with home remodeling projects, they turned to Contact 6 and got fast results.

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