TikTok trend in Franklin gains steam; police warn of consequences

A TikTok trend is going viral in Franklin for all the wrong reasons.

Police say teens, often wearing masks, aggressively kick people's front doors during the night, frightening homeowners. Officers now warn this could lead to serious consequences.

It's not a sight or a sound anyone wants to hear in the middle of the night, but Franklin police officer Gary Wallace said it's a trend a lot of homeowners are seeing in the city.

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"You are scaring people, you are intimidating people. People are pretty shaken up when this happens," the community resource officer said. "Several incidents taking place over the summer, and several recently here in September already."

Wallace said these people will go up to front doors, kick them and run away.

"Pounding on doors late at night, a lot of times they wear masks and cover their faces," he said. "[...] "Noticed a pattern and someone said, this is probably a TikTok trend."

He said it’s a social media trend called "the door knock challenge."

"Treat this as a disorderly conduct situation. You can get a citation, $376," Wallace said. "[And in] some instances we've seen homeowners confront these individuals and then the confrontation turns violent or more disorderly than it was."

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That's why police are now urging parents to warn their kids of the consequences.

"Talk to your kids, know what they are doing, and make sure they are aware," Wallace said.

Officers are increasing neighborhood patrols and urging people to call before confronting anything, or anyone, suspicious.