Time to renew your license? New DMV online Driver's License Guide helps to save time and paperwork | FOX6 Milwaukee

Time to renew your license? New DMV online Driver's License Guide helps to save time and paperwork

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Is it time to renew your driver license? What paperwork do you need to take get your license? There’s now an app for that. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offers a new online, interactive Driver License Guide to help customers get information on their driver license eligibility and status, get a checklist of the documents they’ll need to take to DMV customer service centers, and it even fills in the application form.

“Since obtaining and renewing a license requires an in-person visit to a DMV customer service center, having all the paperwork ready and complete could save the customer time or even an extra trip,” said Deborah Godt, Driver Services chief. “The Driver License Guide tailors information based on the customer’s specific situation.”

DMV customers can use the site 24/7 to conveniently get information specific to their Wisconsin driver license record or browse anonymously and learn what is involved with the license process.

The Driver License Guide self-serve online application is at the DMV website (www.wisconsindmv.gov) or linked through https://DLguide.wi.gov. Customers easily access information on their current driving record, obtain or renew a license, get a duplicate license, and other personalized options.

Godt said the DMV expects the most popular features will be the customized checklist of documents that need to be bought to the DMV and the pre-populated application form (MV3001).

Driver License Guide joins growing list of DMV online services and apps

In addition to the new Driver License Guide, WisDOT offers many other online tools and services to improve customer service and to help prepare safer drivers for Wisconsin roads. The teen driver portal offers a one-stop tool kit to help teens learn to be safer drivers. It includes the new Practice Driver’s Test mobile app, tips for parents and sponsors of teen drivers, and the award-winning Parent’s Supervised Driving Program (www.theparentssuperviseddrivingprogram.com). Other online services include getting crash reports, finding local DMV service centers and hours, renewing license plates and more.