Unique "Holiday Memories" display in Sheboygan | FOX6 Milwaukee

Unique "Holiday Memories" display in Sheboygan

SHEBOYGAN (WITI) -- Generations of Sheboygan residents recall the seasonal splendor of the old Prange's "Holiday Memories display. This year, the show promises to continue providing a glimpse of holiday history, as the Sheboygan County Historical Museum sets up many of the original sentimental scenes.

"Animation was pretty cool 40 years ago. We went down there after church on Thanksgiving and waited for the windows to open up. Then they would take the drapes away and it was just -- it was amazing!" volunteer Linda Graves said.

Graves and several dozen other volunteers have helped out with this year's display, which has been relocated to live on inside the Sheboygan County Historical Museum.

"This is a cool thing. We want to keep it because the city appreciates it. It's part of their history," Sheboygan County Historical Museum's Executive Director Travis Gross said.

Gross says the tradition began in the 1920s and survived a building fire, scattered scene storage and multiple store ownerships.

"We are exhibiting more pieces. We had some really quality volunteers come in and repair some of the motors and things, so this year we have -- I think this is the most we've ever had out in one season," Gross said.

This season's show starts the day after Thanksgiving, when generations of families are expected to line up to get a glimpse of this holiday tradition.

"They're so looking forward to this opening, because they can come here and you know, now they have that little special feeling but it's still that sense -- that it brings them back to their childhood and it brings back all these great memories," Gross said.

The "Holiday Memories" display is an example of what you get when you combine donated time, donated talent and donated materials.

The "Holiday Memories" display opens Friday, November 29th and runs through December 30th.