UW-LAX students to 'shelter in place,' classes halted for 2 weeks

In-person undergraduate instruction was suspended for two weeks Sunday, Sept. 13 at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, with officials citing an increase of COVID-19 cases.

School leaders said in a release they're requiring face coverings on all campus property, whether indoor or outdoor and expanding a previous edict for shelter in place that was limited to one residence hall.

Classes are now scheduled to resume in-person instruction on Sept. 28. Graduate courses will continue in their current pre-established mode.

Last week, in-person instruction was paused for two weeks at the University of Wisconsin in Madison -- just one week into students’ return to campus following a surge of COVID-19 cases.

State health officials on Sunday confirmed 1,582 new cases of the coronavirus, for a total of 89,185 positive tests. One new death was reported, increasing the number of fatalities from the disease to 1,210.

Read the full announcement regarding UWL here: 

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