VIDEO: Man tears up homeless veteran's cardboard sign and then...

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — When illusionist Rob Anderson learned of Alan McCracken, a homeless U.S. Army veteran on the streets of Las Vegas, he had to know more.

McCracken served in the Army for six years before receiving an honorable discharge. He's now homeless -- and with the aid of a cardboard sign, tries to get people to smile -- being the "nice guy" that he is. That touched Anderson, who wanted to help.

In a video posted to YouTube, Anderson approaches McCracken, takes his sign and rips it to shreds. What happened next is both heartwarming and amazing. Just watch.

The YouTube video above has gotten nearly 2 million views since it was posted October 1st. Since then, Anderson has set up a GoFundMe page, aiming to raise $10,000 for McCracken — money that will help house, feed and clothe him for three months until he can start a new life and get back on his feet.

Anderson wrote on the GoFundMe page:

If you'd like to pitch in, visit the GoFundMe page for McCracken by CLICKING HERE.