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Volleyball coach charged with sexual assault, accused of touching 14-year-old player inappropriately
Volleyball coach charged with sexual assault, accused of touching 14-year-old player inappropriately
Benjamin Chastain
MILWAUKEE -- A youth volleyball coach is accused of touching a player on his team inappropriately, and prosecutors say this may have all began on Snapchat.
24-year-old Benjamin Chastain of Milwaukee faces one count of second degree sexual assault of a child under the age of 16. Those who know Chastain said he was a coach with a great reputation, but his alleged actions off the court have his colleagues second guessing that.
"Very passionate about the game of volleyball. He was eager to share his knowledge of the game -- but good coaches can't behave like this," Ted Schulte, Milwaukee Sting Volleyball club director said.
Benjamin Chastain
According to a criminal complaint, the 14-year-old victim in this case told investigators that Chastain, her club volleyball coach, who is also a former Marquette University employee, messaged her frequently on Snapchat, about "anything and everything." She said he would message her about "sexual stuff," and then say "oops." She indicated her coach would bring her food from McDonald's when she was at school.
Milwaukee Sting Volleyball
The complaint says when Chastain was dropping off the food, he grabbed the girl's butt before she exited his vehicle and headed back into the school building.
The girl told investigators she "knew what was happening wasn't right," and said it was "weird" when Chastain allegedly grabbed her butt.
Surveillance video captured the victim getting into Chastain's vehicle in the school parking lot on February 3rd.
Prosecutors say inappropriate photos were sent to the coach by the girl after he told her "everything they sent each other would only be between the two of them, and would be a secret." The complaint also makes reference to items purchased from Victoria's Secret by Chastain for the victim, later delivered to her at school, with food from McDonald's.
According to the complaint, Chastain admitted to bringing the girl food from McDonald's to school in February, and he admitted to hugging the victim inside his vehicle. He also admitted to text messaging the victim and communicating with her on Snapchat.
"It's distressing to no end," Schulte said. "To hear stories of people acting in manners that would be hurtful to the players, however that may be defined, is terribly distressing."
Steve Kohn, Chastain's attorney, issued the following statement to FOX6 News:
Meanwhile, the president of Milwaukee Sting Volleyball issued the below letter to parents, staff and friends:
The below statement was issued by Marquette University:
Chastain made his initial appearance in court in this case on May 9th. Probable cause was found for further proceedings in this case.
A preliminary hearing was set for May 19th, and a $1,000 signature bond was set.
He has been ordered to have no contact with the victim in this case.