Volunteers needed! Waukesha Police Department's Reserve Unit seeking interested citizens | FOX6 Milwaukee

Volunteers needed! Waukesha Police Department's Reserve Unit seeking interested citizens

WAUKESHA (WITI) -- The Waukesha Police Department Reserve Unit is seeking highly motivated and interested citizens from the Waukesha area to assist the Police Department throughout the year during emergency situations, special events, and other related assignments.

The Reserves are a non-sworn, unpaid, volunteer organization that takes pride in serving their community, sometimes at a moment’s notice.

Areas where Reserves members have helped out include: parades, run/walk events, Friday Night Live, Fiesta Waukesha, and various other events throughout the calendar year. In fact, the Reserves are on schedule to work over 40 events for 2014. Their tasks have included barricading off streets for road closures during special events, security at special events, traffic control, and have helped maintain larger crime scenes.

By assisting and performing these tasks, the Reserve Unit has freed up sworn Police Officers to perform their duties and has saved taxpayers around $60,000-$70,000 annually.

A vast majority of the Waukesha Police Reserves have been trained in the National Incident Management (NIMS) and receive monthly training and updates at their regular meetings.

The requirements to become a Reserve Officer are:

    Reserve Officers appointed to the unit must complete a one-year probationary period. It is further required that the Reserve Officer complete 50 hours of voluntary service throughout the calendar year while attending the majority of the meetings. Meetings are held one time per month and usually fall on the first Monday of the month.

    The department provides the equipment, uniform and training necessary to safely deploy the Reserve Unit out into the community. Because members of the Reserve Unit are non-sworn and do not carry any weapons, they are not utilized in dangerous situations such as the sworn officers.

    The Waukesha Reserve Unit invites anyone interested in joining this unique unit to please contact Lieutenant Joe Hendricks at 262-524-3766 or email at JHendric@ci.waukesha.wi.us to receive an application.

    Applications will also be available at the front counter of the police department during business hours.

    The deadline to complete and return the application is October 29th.