VP Mike Pence campaigns in Eau Claire, focuses on manufacturing

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VP Mike Pence campaigns in Eau Claire, focuses on manufacturing

Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Wisconsin and Minnesota for a bus tour on Thursday, Sept. 24. He used the opportunity to talk about manufacturing -- and in a one-on-one interview with FOX6's Jason Calvi, he criticized a federal judge's ruling on Wisconsin's absentee ballots.

Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Wisconsin and Minnesota for a bus tour on Thursday, Sept. 24. He used the opportunity to talk about manufacturing -- and in a one-on-one interview with FOX6's Jason Calvi, he criticized a federal judge's ruling on Wisconsin's absentee ballots.

Vice President Mike Pence campaigns in Eau Claire, Wis.

Jason Calvi: "Why does the president not commit to accepting the election results?"

V.P. Mike Pence: "President Trump and I believe we're going to win this election. But, we will accept a free and fair election result. No doubt about it. But look, we have great concern about changes that are taking place, including here in Wisconsin in mail-in voting and in absentee voting."

Vice President Mike Pence campaigns in Eau Claire, Wis.

A federal judge this week ruled that Wisconsin's absentee ballots postmarked on Election Day can be received another six days. Republicans are appealing. 

"For the state of Wisconsin to extend the deadline so we may not know the outcome of the election for six days after the election, it's just not consistent with the great traditions of this state and of this country," Pence said.

Vice President Mike Pence visits manufacturing facility in Eau Claire

The vice president toured Midwest Manufacturing in Eau Claire on Thursday. It is part of the Menards family that makes countertops, doors, and more. 

Vice President Mike Pence visits manufacturing facility in Eau Claire

Vice President Mike Pence visits manufacturing facility in Eau Claire

Before the vice president, First Daughter Ivanka Trump spoke to supporters.

"We'll always put America first," Trump said.

Ivanka Trump

Also hitting the stage was U.S. Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia, son of the former Supreme Court Justice. This, as the country waits for Saturday when President Trump is expected to nominate another possible justice.

"The American people can be confident of is the president is going to choose a woman of experience, of great character, but also someone who will uphold the Constitution, apply the laws as written. And serve in the Supreme Court in a manner consistent with the late and great Justice Antonin Scalia," Pence said.

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Biden for President Deputy Campaign Manager and Communications Director Kate Bedingfield released the following statement on Vice President Pence’s visit to Wisconsin:

“This week, Wisconsin passed the grim milestone of 100,000 positive COVID-19 cases — and there’s no end in sight. Infection rates are skyrocketing, tens of thousands of workers have lost their jobs while tens of thousands more have dropped out of the labor force completely, small businesses have permanently closed, parents are anxious about sending their kids back to school — all because President Trump and Vice President Pence still have no plan to get the virus under control. And in the midst of it all, this administration is in court trying to rip health insurance away from tens of millions of Americans and eliminate protections for those with pre-existing conditions. 

“The stakes of this election couldn’t be higher for Wisconsin or our country. We desperately need real leadership in the White House, and that’s exactly what Joe Biden is offering. Not only does Joe Biden have a plan to confront the pandemic and ensure every American has access to affordable health care, he’ll restore the middle class, invest in Wisconsin manufacturing, and help us build back better than before.”

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