Walker calls on Pres. Obama to cancel visit by president of China; Rep. Gwen Moore has harsh words for Walker

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Walker calls on Pres. Obama to cancel visit by president of China; Rep. Gwen Moore has harsh words for Walker

Walker calls on Pres. Obama to cancel visit by president of China; Rep. Gwen Moore has harsh words for Walker

SOUTH CAROLINA -- Scott Walker says President Barack Obama needs to have some "backbone" and cancel a planned official state visit next month by the president of China. Walker discussed the birthright citizenship issue during a campaign stop Monday, August 24th in South Carolina -- as Rep. Gwen Moore criticized Walker and his policies in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin governor and presidential candidate said Monday the planned visit of Xi Jinping should be canceled in light of the U.S. stock market's tumble, which Walker says was driven by China's manipulation of their economy.

Walker says Obama should hold China accountable for what he calls its "increasing attempts to undermine U.S. interests."

Walker cites "massive cyber attacks against America, its militarization of the South China Sea, continued state interference with its economy, and persistent persecution of Christians and human rights activists."

Walker said this in a statement:

The tough words come as Walker is trying to show more spark to energize his campaign.

Meanwhile, tough words aimed at Governor Walker Monday from U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore.

Rep. Moore, a Democrat, says Governor Walker's policies are "tightening the noose, literally, around African-Americans."

Moore made the comment during a conference call Monday to discuss Walker's campaigning for president in South Carolina.

Moore is African-American and represents Milwaukee in Congress.

She says Walker's opposition to raising the minimum wage, requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls, and requiring drug testing for public aid recipients disproportionately hurts African-Americans.

Moore also says Walker's rejection of a high-speed train line between Milwaukee and Madison took away jobs from inner city Milwaukee.

Walker's campaign spokeswoman AshLee Strong called Moore's comments "inflammatory and inappropriate." She says Walker is focusing on uniting the country, while others seek to create division.

Walker was in South Carolina Monday -- where he discussed his stance in birthright citizenship -- a position that has changed over the past several days.

On Monday, Walker said if security were tighter at the border, birthright citizenship wouldn't even be an issue.

"I believe we need to secure the borders, enforce the laws. I don't believe in amnesty, and I believe we need to have a legal immigration system that going forward puts a priority on the American working families and their wages in a way that will improve the American economy. My point on any of the other discussions regarding immigration is there are distractions -- for the need for us to once and for all secure the border and enforce the laws -- as I stress again today, as I have repeatedly this week and all throughout this year," Walker said Monday.

Walker said on Sunday, August 23rd any discussion that goes beyond the need to secure the border and enforce existing laws should be a "red flag" to voters that another politician is giving them "lip service."

"My point is any discussion that goes beyond securing the border or enforcing the laws are things that should be a red flag to voters out there who for years have heard lip service from politicians and are understandably angry because those politicians haven't been committed to following through on those promises," Walker said.

The Wisconsin governor and Republican presidential candidate was asked on ABC's "This Week" whether he backs Trump's push to end the 14th Amendment's mandate that all children born in the United States are automatically granted citizenship.

"Well, I said the law is there. And we need to enforce the laws, including those that are in the Constitution," Walker said, adding that he favors addressing illegal immigration by improving border security and requiring businesses to use a system called E-Verify to check workers' legal status.

On Monday, August 17th, at the Iowa State Fair, when asked by MSNBC's Kasie Hunt whether birthright citizenship should be ended, he said then: "Yeah, absolutely, going forward."

Walker cited Nevada Democratic Senator Harry Reid's support for ending the policy. In the early 1990s, he introduced legislation that would have revoked the 14th Amendment's guarantee of citizenship for U.S.-born children. Reid has since reversed that position.

"To me it's about enforcing the laws in this country. And I've been very clear -- I think you enforce the laws, and I think it's important to send a message that we're going to enforce the laws. No matter how people come here, we're going to enforce the laws in this country," Governor Walker said at the fair on Monday.

Then, on Friday, August 21st, Walker offered another stance -- telling CNBC's John Harwood that he won't weigh in on birthright citizenship.

"I'm not taking a position on it one way or the other," he said in that interview.

Walker will travel to Iowa this week for several stops in the Western region of the state. He will board the campaign Winnebago and visit seven more Iowa counties on this trip as he pursues the "Full Grassley," bringing his total to 25.


Gov. Scott Walker meet and greet

12:00 PM CDT

Cronk's Cafe
812 4th Avenue South
Denison, IA 51442

Gov. Scott Walker campaign stop

2:00 PM CDT

Miller's Kitchen
812 Iowa Avenue
Onawa, IA 51040

Gov. Scott Walker campaign stop

3:45 PM CDT

Penny's Diner
128 Willow Road
Missouri Valley, IA 51555

Gov. Scott Walker meet and greet

5:30 PM CDT

Pizza Ranch
613 Court Street
Harlan, IA 51537

Gov. Scott Walker campaign stop

7:00 PM CDT

Darrell's Place
4010 1st Street
Hamlin, IA 50117


Gov. Scott Walker meet and greet

8:15 AM CDT

The Corner Coffee Shop
284 Public Square
Greenfield, IA 50849

Gov. Scott Walker meet and greet

10:00 AM CDT

Prime Time
217 State Street
Guthrie Center, IA 50115