Walker speaks out on accusations of plagiarism in Mary Burke's jobs plan

WEST BEND (WITI) -- Accused of copying and pasting her jobs plan, Governor Scott Walker is blasting his challenger Mary Burke.

According to Buzzfeed news, sections of Burke's jobs plan are copied word-for-word from three others Democratic politicians plans.

The Democratic hopeful says the plan is her own.

She says a consultant hired to work on the plan, also worked on the others. She says the repetitive words only make up a tiny fraction of her 49-page plan.

"I just think it's disappointing that their campaign that puts so much emphasis and made such a big deal about how this was based on her own personal record, and her time at Harvard Business School...ends up in the end now looks like, at least a good chunk of it came from a political hack taking it from other states," said Governor Walker.

Candidate Mary Burke also responded:

"I want to be perfectly clear about this, my job's plan invest for success, is based on my experience as a business executive at Trek bicycle. We have to make sure in order to drive Wisconsin's economy forward, we do build on good ideas, we do best practices, that's what I'm going to do as governor, and that only makes common sense," said Burke.

The consultant is no longer working for Burke's campaign. Burke says she's not changing the plan, saying it presents the best ideas from around the country to create jobs and spur the economy.

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NewsPeople Scott Walker