Warmer than usual winter could lead to more bugs

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MILWAUKEE -- The warmer than normal winter may bring more bugs to the area earlier than normal. Experts with Batzner Pest Management say with the warmer winter, people can expect to see a lot of pests.

A frigid, cold winter makes it difficult for pests to survive, but Wisconsin has had a milder winter this year. "With warmer winters, we expect to have a larger pest outbreak. We've had so few really cold days, the bitter cold, and you just don't have enough cold weather to kill of the pests," Ted Snyder with Batzner Pest Management said.

Snyder says typical outdoor pests that come inside are going to be worse than normal this year. "Centipedes, millipedes, earwigs, spiders, crickets - all of the pests people just love so much," Snyder said.

The company is already starting to get calls earlier than they're used to for some common warm-weather pests. "They're reproducing earlier in the year.  There are more out there to reproduce, so the populations are just going to start building up faster than we're used to up to larger numbers than we're used to," Snyder said.

Experts say mosquitos are more influenced by the amount of rainfall there is, so if there is a lot of water to create puddles where mosquitos congregate, then there could be a lot of mosquitos this spring and summer.

Batzner Pest Management has some tips for homeowners - go easy on the mulch. When people have large amounts of mulch, pests can live there. Also, check for crevices and openings where bugs can get into your home. Seal those crevices up to help cut down on bugs.