Warning: Phishing scam impersonates state consumer protection employees

MADISON -- The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) wants residents to be aware of a phishing scam that impersonates Department employees.

A news release says these fake emails mention an "invoice" or other actionable item and contain the name or email address of a DATCP employee as the sender. If you receive a similar email, delete it immediately and DO NOT click any links contained in the message.

There are different versions of these fake emails that have been brought to DATCP's attention by Wisconsin businesses and consumers. Some versions ask the email recipient to click a link to review a supposed invoice:

    If a recipient clicks a link in these emails, they may be sent to a website that seeks to harvest personal or financial information and that may trigger a malware transmission to their computer. Recipients of these emails should immediately delete them and take no further action.

    Us Wi