Waukesha County judge denies bail reduction request for girl in Slenderman case

WAUKESHA (WITI) — A preteen accused of trying to stab her best friend to death is asking the judge to let her go to a mental health treatment facility and that her bail be reduced on Friday, April 24th. That's the latest in the infamous case known as the Slenderman trial.

The judge and Geyser's attorney say it's hard finding a place to put someone like Geyser.

Morgan Geyser was originally put into the Winnebago Mental Health Facility, diagnosed with schizophrenia. But back in November, she was ruled to be competent to stand trial.

Geyser listened and watched Friday's proceedings from the Washington County Juvenile Jail, where she's housed now.

"The facility is not equipped for long-term placement, especially for children," said Morgan Geyser's Lawyer, Anthony Cotton.

Geyser's Lawyer, Anthony Cotton, filed a motion to reduce Geyser's bail from $500,000 to a signature bond, so she could enter the Milwaukee Academy -- a  local juvenile treatment center.

The prosecutor says the community could be at risk if Geyser escaped a treatment facility.

Police say Geyser had a plan to leave the area when she committed the crime in Waukesha County a year ago. The victim survived 19 stab wounds.

The judge agreed Geyser should remain locked up in juvenile detention but would be open to more details about Geyser's mental health and treatment possibilities in the future.

"Although Ms. Geyser's young and perhaps immature, she none the less participated in what in some respects is a sophisticated plan to kill someone," said Judge Michael Bohren.

Right now, Geyser's attorney will go back and try to figure out if there are better resources for treating his client and in June there's a hearing to try to get this case put into juvenile court.

Geyser's lawyer says if Geyser is put back into the juvenile system, there would be more funds and resources available to treat her mental health issues.

The lawyer says Geyser has not had any medication for schizophrenia while she's been locked up.

A hearing to decide whether to move Geyser into juvenile court is scheduled for June.