Waukesha County specialty units arrest 2 wanted men, separate cases

In a span of just a few hours, Waukesha County sheriff's deputies helped find two men wanted after two separate cases. Two specialty units worked together to help with those arrests. 

"The thermal camera makes it really, really easy to spot people," said Waukesha County Deputy Sheriff McManigal.

In the dark of night, Waukesha County sheriff's deputies were able to find 23-year-old Papa Diallo from high above. Investigators say they pulled Diallo over for speeding just before midnight Thursday. Deputies say there was a crash and chase before Diallo tried to hide in someone's backyard. 

"The information that we had from the passenger was that he was armed," McManigal said. 

Deputies then called in a specialty team to find the gun. 

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"All of our dogs are location tools. That’s their primary thing. We want them to locate whatever we tell them to," said Waukesha County Deputy Sheriff Anthony Schutte. 

Waukesha County Deputy Sheriff Anthony Schutte

Schutte said hours later, K-9 Chance and the drone unit were called to another chase – which ended in Pewaukee.

"They were flying over the area, looking for him as well," McManigal said. 

Deputies say they were looking for 20-year-old Kenneth Grady, Jr. They said Grady was running through backyards. The sheriff's department's drone tracked him with help from K-9 Chance on the ground. 

Investigators say Grady dragged a West Allis police officer 15 feet during a traffic stop in 2022. Records show Grady was in court the day before the Pewaukee incident preparing for his upcoming trial for the West Allis charges. He was out on bond in that case. 

Law enforcement worked together from every angle using technology and man's best friend to help crack both cases.

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"Being able to take both of them into custody – it’s a good feeling," McManigal said. 

Waukesha County Deputy Sheriff McManigal

FOX6 News has learned both men arrested by police last week are currently out of custody. Diallo posted a $3,000 cash bond. Prosecutors charged him with two felonies and three misdemeanors. Charges are pending against Grady. he is not currently in custody in Waukesha or Milwaukee counties.