Waukesha police: Sex offender who sexually assaulted young girl, boy to be released into the community

WAUKESHA (WITI) -- Waukesha police are alerting residents about a sex offender set to be released into the community. He is a 74-year-old man who will be supervised until 2021.

Fortunato Carrion Jr.

Police say Fortunato Carrion Jr.'s criminal history places him in a classification level which reflects the potential to re offend. He has served his sentence imposed on him by the Department of Corrections and will be released back into the community.

Carrion Jr. sexually assaulted a nine-year-old female acquaintance in 1992. He also sexually assaulted a male acquaintance in 1986. Both of these sexual assaults occurred while Carrion Jr. was babysitting the children.

Police say Carrion Jr. is an "opportunistic sexual predator."

Carrion Jr. will be living at 1356 E. Moreland Boulevard, #1B.

He will be a life-long registrant with the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry and will be submitting to face-to-face registration with law enforcement.  He is to have no unsupervised contact with minors, he cannot visit taverns, bars or liquor stores, he is to have no contact with his victims and he is not to purchase, possess or consume alcohol or illegal drugs.

He is to comply with sex offender rules and will be on G.P.S. monitoring while under supervision.

If you have any questions or wish further information please contact the Probation and Parole office at 521-5132 or the Waukesha Police Department at (262) 524-3770.