We Energies launches peregrine falcon webcam
PLEASANT PRAIRIE -- You can now get an up-close look at the life of a peregrine falcon. Just last week, We Energies launched a webcam, which streams live video from a peregrine nesting box at the Pleasant Prairie power plant.
"We're so excited to be able to unveil this this year. It gives our customers a chance to actually see what's going on in that nest box live as it happens," Cathy Schulze from We Energies said.
It was back in the late 1980s when a recovery effort began to save the endangered peregrine falcon.
"For peregrine falcons, being at the top of the food chain, they are indicator. As they're doing well, we know we're doing well. If they start having problems, we need to take a look at what those problems are because they will directly affect us in time," peregrine falcon researcher Greg Septon said.
We Energies got involved in the conservation efforts, and began putting nests on top of utility power plants.
"Today we know what we need to do to keep them in our world and that is to provide a place for them to live and a place for them to nest," Septon said.
Through the years, all of the birds have been banded to collect research. "It's important to know if we start seeing peregrines dying, if we have band numbers, then we can identify where they were from and what the potential causes may have been," Septon said.
After this nesting season, the number of falcons hatched at We Energies facilities could climb to more than 170.
Although the webcam began streaming before the eggs hatched in Pleasant Prairie, you will typically see mama bird covering the little ones to keep them warm.
CLICK HERE to check out the We Energies peregrine falcon cams.