We Energies warning customers of utility scam | FOX6 Milwaukee

We Energies warning customers of utility scam

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- We Energies is warning customers of a scam that appears to be targeting their Spanish-speaking customers. According to We Energies, the scammers are using the threat of service disconnection as a way to convince customers to purchase  prepaid credits and provide information to them.

How the scam works:

    The scammers are sophisticated. Using computer programs, they will know your name and address and claim to have additional information about your account. Your caller ID may even display the We Energies name or a phone number associated with us. Don’t be fooled. You can call us anytime at 800-242-9137 to:

      The scammers also are intimidating. If you do not cooperate, they apply more pressure by implying that if you do not act within a few hours your power may be off for days. They will say anything to frighten you into becoming a victim.

      What you can do:
      We do not solicit payment from customers over the phone in this manner. If you get a call that sounds suspicious, it is. Hang up immediately.

      Payment options:

      We have several safe and convenient options to pay your bill.
      Mail: We Energies, P.O. Box 90001, Milwaukee, WI 53290-0001
      Online: www.we-energies.com/myaccount
      Phone with credit or debit card: 888-823-2943
      In person: authorized payment locations throughout our service area
      Visit we-energies.com for a location near you.