'We’ll all get through this soon:' Curbside book pickup is back at Wauwatosa Public Library

WAUWATOSA -- With rain in the forecast, it's the perfect weekend to stay inside with a good book and there's now another option to get your hands on one during the quarantine. Curbside book pickup is back at the Wauwatosa Public Library.

Tristan Marshall

“We were like, ‘Yes we get to see people again,'” said Tristan Marshall, Wauwatosa Public Library circulation supervisor.

The service had stopped after the "Safer at Home" order deemed it non-essential.

"You don’t really realize how much you rely on the library for information, entertainment, seeing members of the community," said patron Marta Conlon. "Knowing it was going to be gone for an indefinite period was really tough."

Conlon had the first appointment for the drive-thru's first day back in business. When the governor extended the Safer at Home order through May -- this was one of the few restrictions lifted. The librarians see just how important this is to their community.

"There are a lot of parents right now who are doing homeschooling resourcing as well. You can only read one book so many times," said Marshall.

Marta Conlon

The book pickup is a sign that things are moving in the right direction.

"Stay strong and hopefully we’ll all get through this soon," said Conlon.

Each library is handling how to best keep people safe a little bit differently. It's best to reach out to your local library directly to find out how they are providing services.