We're entering peak time to view wildflowers, here are some to look for! | FOX6 Milwaukee

We're entering peak time to view wildflowers, here are some to look for!

SOUTHEAST WISCONSIN -- Native wildflowers in Wisconsin are coming into their peak! All kinds of beautiful colors are being spotted in meadows and prairies across our state. Here are just a few you might be able to find or you can plant in your own yard to help attract wildlife.

Purple Cone Flower

A small fraction of historic original prairie still exists in Wisconsin and if you have areas you'd like to return to their native habitat, Midwest Prairies can be a great resource to reach out to.

Wild Bergamot or sometimes referred to as Menarda or Bee Balm

Two plants that are some of the monarch butterflies' favorites are milkweed and butterfly weed. Milkweed can be found all over and are some of the hardiest native plants in the state. Butterfly weed might be a little trickier to find but can make a great addition to your home garden.

Butterfly Weed

Common Milkweed

Another staple of Midwest prairies is the Black and Brown-Eyed Susan. Black-Eyed Susans typically only have a single stalk and are not as tall but a larger flower, while a Brown-Eyed Susan gets much taller and are more clumped together.

Black-Eyed Susan

Brown-Eyed Susan with a Red Admiral Butterfly on it 

There are many varieties of sunflower-like plants in this corner of the state including Wild & False Sunflower.

False Sunflower

Wild Sunflower

The Aster family is also a common wildflower you'll see a long path and in the middle of prairies. Look for small white flowers with yellow centers usually clumped in beautiful bouquets.

White Aster

There are literally hundreds of different kinds of native wildflowers to enjoy this time of year. By seeding native plants and removing invasive species you can help spread these important pockets of life for migrating insects, birds, and animals. The best part is it takes hardly any maintenance!

Purple Cone Flower

Common Yarrow

American Germander

Common Hedge-nettle

American Germander and bumblebee