West Allis A La Carte: Biggest block party city has thrown in years
West Allis A La Carte preview
This Sunday, West Allis is throwing the biggest block party it’s hosted in years and the businesses are already getting prepped for the fun.
WEST ALLIS, Wis. - This Sunday, June 5, West Allis is throwing the biggest block party it’s hosted in years and the businesses are already getting prepped for the fun.
Christina Van Zelst is in downtown West Allis on Wednesday, June 1, getting a preview of some of the vendors that will make West Allis A La Carte an event to remember.
Food preview of West Allis A La Carte
West Allis A La Carte is a street festival that occurs the first Sunday in June providing a venue to unite businesses, schools, churches, civic organizations, community artists, youth programs, and the City of West Allis with the community and with each other. Christina Van Zelst is in downtown West Allis with a preview of some the food that will be served this Sunday.
Showcasing crafters coming to West Allis A La Carte
This Sunday, bring the family to downtown West Allis for a day of food, fun and games for all ages. Christina Van Zelst is with the owner of Cream City Clay getting a sneak peek at what she has in store for Sunday’s West Allis A La Carte.
Activities for kids at West Allis A La Carte
Looking for something to do this Sunday that’s fun for the entire family? This Sunday West Allis A La Carte will have live music, adoptable animals, kids games, and even face painting. Christina Van Zelst is getting a preview of what to expect at the "Biggest Block Party In The City."
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Animal Avenue at the West Allis A La Carte
This Sunday, West Allis is throwing the biggest block party it’s hosted in years and the businesses are already getting prepped for the fun. Christina Van Zelst is preview West Allis A La Carte and what’s sure to be one of this Sunday’s most popular attractions called Animal Avenue.
City Involvement in West Allis A La Carte
West Allis A La Carte is back this Sunday with food and fun for all ages. Christina Van Zelst in getting a preview of the event with some big attractions from the West Allis Department of Public Works.