Wheatland band teacher sex assault, child porn charges

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Wheatland band teacher sex assault, child porn charges

A Wheatland band teacher is facing sexual assault and possession of child porn charges. A parent says she had concerns about the band teacher's behavior two years ago.

A Wheatland band teacher is facing sexual assault and possession of child porn charges. A parent says she had concerns about the band teacher's behavior two years ago.

The mother, who did not want to be identified, said three of her children previously attended Wheatland Center School with Zachary Wendt as their band teacher.

"My children are my everything," she said.

She said she expressed her concerns about 38-year-old Wendt to the principal in 2019.  

"My older child had mentioned that his band teacher had took his hand and kind of massaged his shoulder," said the mother. "Massaged it, like, kind of grabbed it a couple times."

This mom said she feels the school ignored her concerns.  

"He goes, ‘Maybe you’re just overthinking it,’ and I said, ‘If it makes my son uncomfortable, it makes me feel…I feel very weirded out by it. Something’s not right,’" she said.

Her kids dropped out of band and are no longer enrolled in the school. 

Wendt now faces eight charges, including sexual assault of a child and possession of child porn. Prosecutors say Wendt had multiple sexual encounters with a 16-year-old girl in Burlington this year.

"The allegations here are serious, and again, I studied this complaint significant before these proceedings began – $500,000 cash bond," said John Bjelajac, Racine County court commissioner.

Wendt’s attorney had this to say in court:

"Mr. Wendt does not have any prior criminal history," Said Greg Holdahl. "He has had a history of employment. If he is released, he’s obviously not going to be able to go back to that employer."

As for the concerned mom, she said if there are more victims, she hopes they come forward.

"I don’t care how little it is or, as a parent, you’re like, ‘Oh, he’s just a teacher.’ Just be proactive." she said.

The Burlington Police Department said on Thursday, potential victims related to Wendt's case should contact Det. Sgt. Robert Jones at 262‐342‐1100 or email him at rjones@burlington‐wi.gov

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The school district released a letter to parents which says in part Wendt was suspended without pay, the alleged incident didn't happen on district property and didn't include any Wheatland J1 School District students.

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