"Wigs for Kids:" Nine-year-old Brown Deer boy cuts off his long locks for a good cause | FOX6 Milwaukee

"Wigs for Kids:" Nine-year-old Brown Deer boy cuts off his long locks for a good cause

BROWN DEER -- A nine-year-old Brown Deer boy is sporting a new look after he cut off all his hair for a good cause.

Tre Rathkamp donated his long locks to "Wigs for Kids" -- an organization that helps children dealing with hair loss due to diseases like cancer.

Rathkamp says his grandmother was his inspiration. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2013.

Rathkamp's sister says he has been teased and called names due to his long hair, but she's proud he stuck with it.



"I was extremely nervous to see what he was going to look like, but we're all used to his trademark hair kind of. It's been so long for so long," Samantha Wergin said.

CLICK HERE if you'd like to make a donation to "Wigs for Kids."