Wisconsin DNR to reopen many state parks, forests starting May 1 with 'new safety guidelines' | FOX6 Milwaukee

Wisconsin DNR to reopen many state parks, forests starting May 1 with 'new safety guidelines'

MADISON -- Gov. Tony Evers on Tuesday, April 28 directed the Department of Natural Resources to reopen several state parks, forests, and recreational areas originally closed due to unprecedented crowds and out of an abundance of caution to protect public health.


“With a few adjustments, like closing one day a week for maintenance and reduced hours of operation, folks should be able to get outside and enjoy our parks safely and respectfully," said Gov. Evers in a news release.

CLICK HERE to view a state map that shows the parks, forests ready to open


The DNR will reopen 34 state parks and forests on Friday, May 1 under special conditions to help minimize overcrowding, allow for social distancing requirements, and to promote a safe and enjoyable experience for staff and visitors.

"We have to limit the amount of people who come into the parks. It's not everybody in the pool any longer," said Preston Cole, Wisconsin DNR Secretary.

Like others, Harrington Beach State Park will open with limited admission, based on capacity.


"Dial that back to about 75 percent of the maximum," said Mark Aquino, DNR Secretary's Director.


When "Safer at Home" took effect, state park admission fees were waived; however, part of the reason 40 state parks were closed earlier this month was due to unprecedented crowds.

This time around, annual park stickers or trail passes are required -- and social distancing will be enforced.

"Law enforcement's role is to remind everybody in the parks they have to pay close attention to social distancing. Law enforcement is there and park staff is there to make sure people are paying attention." Cole said.

Boat launches are open, but restrooms on all properties will remain closed. Camping will also be restricted until May 26.

"It will definitely be a process of monitoring, observing, and adjusting as we go along," Aquino said.

Wisconsin state park property updates



    State parks and forests will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, a change from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

    Properties will be closed to the public every Wednesday for maintenance and upkeep.

    Northern Forests, Flowages, Lower Wisconsin Riverway, and Wild Rivers will be open 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week.

    Specific properties listed below:

      Hunting and fishing will be allowed on all open properties in accordance with legal season structure and hours. Access to some areas may be limited to walk-in or water access only.

      The following properties will remain closed for the health and safety of the public, staff, and property integrity:





              At times, many properties will likely reach their pre-determined safety capacity. When this happens, visitors may be denied entry to the park until existing visitors leave. Visitors are encouraged to explore other DNR recreation areas or visit during non-peak hours before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m.

              State Parks likely to temporarily prohibit additional visitors include:

                CAMPING AND EVENTS

                Camping, group camps and shelters will remain closed until May 26. Refunds will be issued to all customers.

                Limited numbers of remote, backpack and boat-in campsites are available on a first-come first-serve basis.

                A list of some of the properties offering this type of camping include:

                  Volunteer activities remain suspended at DNR properties.

                  All events and special event permits are canceled until May 26.

                  The public should follow simple steps to prevent illness and avoid exposure to this virus including: