Wisconsin DOT issues Super Bowl Sunday safety message

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- There undoubtedly will be big hits and violent collisions on the field during the Super Bowl, but law enforcement agencies will do their best to prevent them on roadways this Sunday.

“Last year, there were three traffic fatalities in Wisconsin on Super Bowl Sunday, and the goal this year is to have zero,” says David Pabst, director of the State Patrol’s Bureau of Transportation Safety. “Law enforcement agencies will be particularly focused on preventing drunken driving on Super Bowl Sunday because fans will be at bars and parties before, during and after the game. That’s why we are urging fans to not let their fellow fans drive drunk.”

The key is to plan ahead by designating a sober driver or finding alternative transportation, according to Pabst. For a safe and fun Super Bowl celebration, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the State Patrol offer the following life-saving advice: