Wisconsin DPI: State graduation rate up slightly
MADISON (AP) — State education officials say Wisconsin's 2014 graduation rate increased slightly from the previous year.
The Department of Public Instruction says the class of 2014 had a statewide graduation rate of 88.6 percent, up 0.6 points from the prior year and 2.9 points from the 2009-2010 school year. The four-year graduation rate includes all students who earned a regular public high school diploma.
DPI says the class of 2014 includes 58,888 public high school students who graduated in four years out of a possible 66,098 children in the same class.
Education officials also say the four-year graduation rate also improved slightly for some minority groups, including blacks, American Indians and Hispanic or Latino students.
For students who completed high school in 2014, 59.3 percent enrolled in a college or university last fall.