Wisconsin eye drops homicide trial; videos of Kurczewski questioning

Arguments over internet search history kicked off week three of the Wisconsin eye drops homicide trial in Waukesha County.

For a third day, prosecutors on Monday, Nov. 6 had lead detective Aaron Hoppe on the witness stand – as they turned up the heat on Jessy Kurczewski.

The jury watched videos of Hoppe questioning Kurczewski in July 2019 about the death of her friend, Lynn Hernan. Police say Kurczewski poisoned Hernan with a fatal amount of eye drops. 

Kurczewski (in the video): "I didn’t do it though!"

Det. Hoppe: "Jessy, What did you think was going to happen if you have her a bottle of water with six Visines in it?"

Kurczewski: "I didn’t think she was going to die because she had done it before."

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The jury saw documents deleted from Kurczewski's phone about cyanide, suicide and household poisons. Most were downloaded before Hernan's October 2018 death and deleted months later. Kurczewski said Hernan was sick and wanted to die.

Jessy Kurczewski

"I didn’t force her to take it; I didn’t pour it down her mouth.  I didn’t none of that," Kurczewski said in video. 

Kurczewski said she buried gun parts, Visine bottles with Hernan's fingerprints on them and receipts in Whitnall Park. 

"It’s literally 10 feet behind the apartments at the beginning of the park," Kurczewski said in the video. 

Kurczewski even marked it on a map but nothing was ever found. 

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On cross-examination, the defense brought up Kurczewski's cellphone records the day Hernan died – showing pings in Milwaukee and Waukesha County. The defense also said Hernan did not have internet access in her home – and argued Kurczewski's search history is not relevant. 

Prosecutors say Kurczewski drained Hernan's finances and signed up for credit cards in Hernan's name. 

The state planned to rest its case soon. The defense will then present its case.