Wisconsin Vision: About Tele-Optometry, why appointments are virtual
If you haven’t had your eyes checked in a while, you may be surprised to find out that check-ups have changed
Brian is at Wisconsin Vision learning more about Tele-Optometry and why appointments are going virtual.
If you haven’t had your eyes checked in a while, you may be surprised to find out that check-ups have changed - a lot. Brian is at Wisconsin Vision learning more about Tele-Optometry and why appointments are going virtual.
Looking for a new pair of glasses? Lucky for you there are plenty of unique options available
Brian is at Wisconsin Vision searching for a new look.
If you’ve had your eyes checked there’s good chance you’ve gone through the Better one or better two? test
Brian is at Wisconsin Vision going through a remote refraction and learning more about the test.
Does your family love playing outdoor sports? There’s no shortage of vision care and ware that can protect and enhance the quality of your experience
Brian is at Wisconsin Vision with a look at some of the specs you may want and need to consider to play.
If you haven’t had your eyes checked in a while, you may be surprised to find out that check-ups have changed
Brian is at Wisconsin Vision learning more about Tele-Optometry and why appointments are going virtual.
Like most industries, the vision care sector is also facing a labor shortage
Brian is with their President & CEO learning the steps necessary for getting into the field.