Wisconsin's 1st community COVID-19 vaccination site opens

Wisconsin's first community-based COVID-19 vaccination clinic opened at Blackhawk Technical College on Tuesday, Feb. 16.

Two-hundred people received their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine at the Rock County clinic on Tuesday. 

Senior Operations Manager Dan Beck said 20 staff from around the state, including a Concordia University pharmacy student, are running the site and administering shots.

The goal it to eventually serve 1,000 patients per day.

"The limiting factor for everybody across the board is the ability to get vaccine to your sites," Beck said.

Community-based COVID-19 vaccination site at Blackhawk Technical College

As part of the clinic's soft launch this week, only people who are already on Rock County's COVID-19 vaccination waitlist are eligible to schedule an appointment.

Kelsey Cordova, Rock County public health supervisor, said from that list, she's then prioritizing those who would otherwise potentially slip through the cracks.

"What we do as the health department is look at where there are gaps, people who maybe aren't getting picked up by a traditional vaccine provider and those who identify as not having a primary health care provider, or maybe they don't have insurance, and being able to pick them up and contact them and get them into this clinic," said Cordova.

Sometime next week, the clinic will open to the general public to schedule appointments. More details on how to register are expected next week.

The state has said it may open as many as 10 community-based vaccination sites. No other locations have been announced.

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UK variant of COVID-19 detected in Milwaukee in late January

The United Kingdom variant of COVID-19 has been detected in Milwaukee.