Wisconsin's Most Wanted: Paul Puchter, sought for child sex assault

A convicted sex offender is on the run as he faces new charges of child sexual assault. U.S. Marshals say Paul Puchter cut off his GPS bracelet in Bristol more than two weeks ago.

"It does add to the urgency of keeping the community safe, keeping the children safe to apprehend someone that has this lengthy of a record of assault against children," the U.S. Marshal on the case said.

U.S. Marshals say like the hourglass tattooed on his hand, his time on the run is almost up.

Paul Puchter

"He’s facing a lot of serious charges here," the marshal said.

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The 51-year-old was first convicted of child sexual assault in 2004. When he was released from prison, he was convicted on federal charges for failing to register as a sex offender. Twenty years later, he faces more charges of child sexual assault in Racine County.

"Multiple charges with I believe 4 victims," the investigator said.  "The ages range from 6 to 15 years old."

Paul Puchter

Investigators say days before his bond hearing, Puchter cut off his GPS bracelet. It last pinged on June 10th in Bristol in a ditch with a creek running through it.

"Now we don’t know where he’s at without his GPS tracker," the marshal said.

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U.S. Marshals say he might be easy to spot with is distinct tattoos. He has a name written in cursive on his face, bullhorns on his chest, a woman’s face on his arm and letters and an hourglass on his hands.

"Turn yourself in immediately," the marshal said. "You need to face these charges."

Paul Puchter

Puchter is 6' tall and weighs 200 pounds. He has ties to Racine County. 

If you know where Puchter is, you are urged to call the U.S. Marshals Tipline at 414-297-3707.