WisDOT releases updated Wisconsin state highway map | FOX6 Milwaukee

WisDOT releases updated Wisconsin state highway map

MILWAUKEE -- A valuable planning tool for summer road trips is now available. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation announced Tuesday, May 9th, the latest version of the Wisconsin state highway map is now available to inspire trips to a variety of destinations across the Badger State.

According to a news release, "The Department of Transportation collaborated with the Department of Tourism to create a state highway map that promotes the Wisconsin tourism brand of fun."

“With a refreshed layout and pictures that tie into Tourism’s “Real Fun” campaign, the map makes it easy for travelers to explore Wisconsin’s favorite attractions, destinations and hidden gems,” noted Wisconsin Department of Tourism Secretary Stephanie Klett.

The 2017-18 map reflects numerous changes since the map was last printed in 2015. The updates include:

    Printed copies of the map can be picked up free of charge at many locations:

      Single copies of the map are available by calling the Wisconsin Department of Tourism at

      1-800-432-8747 or ordering online from the Guides page in the Planning Tools section at TravelWisconsin.com.

      Information for ordering multiple copies or laminated copies of the highway map is available by searching “highway maps” on the WisDOT website.