"Wonderful teaser:" Shipping crates scattered throughout downtown Milwaukee creates curiosity

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“Wonderful teaser:” Shipping crates scattered throughout downtown Milwaukee creates curiosity

"Wonderful teaser:" Shipping crates scattered throughout downtown Milwaukee creates curiosity

MILWAUKEE -- On your morning commute or lunch break, you may have noticed several shipping crates scattered around downtown Milwaukee. What's inside?

The empty boxes were placed in 22 different locations during a secret overnight operation by the Milwaukee Art Museum. It was simply done as a playful way to remind Milwaukeeans that art has been stored away for 14 months during renovations at the museum -- and soon, it will be uncrated.

"We have moved 30,000 works of art multiple times during that period to accommodate the construction. And so, it just seemed to make sense to have these crates out as a wonderful teaser reminder that we're open again," said Daniel Keegan, Director for the Milwaukee Art Museum.

The $34 million transformation is meant to enhance the visitor experience at the Milwaukee Art Museum into a more dramatic event with expositions, public spaces and wide open bright galleries.

"My walk into work, I see the construction. So now that it's coming to fruition, I know it'll be pretty exciting to get it back open," said Abby Braatz, a fan of the art museum.

And stumbling upon the crates has made the anticipation even greater.

Learn more about "Uncrated. Unveiled." by CLICKING HERE.