WWII vet celebrates 5-year anniversary of Harley-Davidson Museum
Harley-Davidson Museum celebrates 5-year anniversary
Harley-Davidson Museum celebrates 5-year anniversary
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Harley-Davidson collectors from all over the world rode into Milwaukee this weekend to celebrate the 5-year anniversary of the Harley-Davidson Museum during the annual Wild Ones Weekend.
Organizers attempted to replicate a 1940's-style bike rally as riders showed off their vintage motorcyles -- some more than 70 years old. For one biker, Charlie May, the celebration had extra meaning.
May is a 90-year-old WWII veteran who bought his Harley brand new in 1946. To this day he rides the antique bike as often as possible.
"Every chance I get, but I'm a very busy man. I am! I do things for people -- I'm a woodworker, I make cabinets, everything. If they have problems, I take care of it, physically," said May.
Other collectors at the event say in some ways, it's like a family reunion.
"Everybody gets together and gets along. If you see somebody on another old bike and you're on an old bike, an old knucklehead, they'll come up and shake your hand and introduce themselves, no problem at all, like they've known each other forever," explained President of the Knucklehead Company, Glenn Janicki.
Many folks wanted to shake Charlie May's hand, out of respect for a rider who has stuck with the same bike for 67 years. He also credits his Harley-Davidson for helping him win over the woman who would become his wife. May says both he, and his bike, have many more miles left in them.
"I hope to be back here every year for the next ten years," said May.
As for the rest of the Wild Ones Weekend celebration, the Wall of Death thrill show will run Sunday evening, July 14th, as it has each of the last three days.