$5 swim lessons -- all in an effort to reduce drownings

MILWAUKEE -- $5 swim lessons -- all in an effort to reduce drownings. Justin Kern and Nicole Jacobson join Real Milwaukee with more on the American Red Cross and Milwaukee Recreation Aquatics' Centennial Campaign.

In an expansion of a national multi-year campaign to reduce drownings and increase access to water safety skills, the Milwaukee Recreation Aquatics program through Milwaukee Public Schools has joined the American Red Cross Aquatics Centennial Campaign. The program promotes water safety in communities where there are high numbers of drownings or drowning rates higher than the national average. The campaign does this by providing access to affordable life-saving swim lessons and water safety training in and near their communities.

The Centennial Campaign will bring $5 swim lessons to resident and non-resident children and adults at four select Milwaukee Recreation school pools in the city:

    If you're going on vacation near a pool or ocean before you can register for swim lessons -- keep these things in mind: