Delavan-Darien School District’s Pathways to Success | FOX6 Milwaukee

Delavan-Darien School District’s Pathways to Success


This content is from our sponsor. The FOX editorial team was not involved with the creation of this content.

            The Delavan-Darien School District (DDSD) is changing the way education looks by providing greater opportunities for students to take advantage of. These opportunities build on cultural diversity and expand beyond the walls of its five schools. DDSD offers programs that you would typically see in larger districts, such as: an all-day 4K Program that specializes in engaging/hands-on individualized instruction; a Dual Language Program (English/Spanish) for student in 4K-12th Grade that teaches valuable communication skills in an increasingly diverse world; the DD Technical School (DD Tech) that focuses on preparing students for their dream career while earning stackable credentials and partaking in work-based learning experiences with local business and industry. Each of these programs are unique in addressing student diversity and ensure distinction when compared to other school districts. 

Delavan-Darien School District

            DD Tech, the most recent addition to the District's programming, aims to prepare students for their dream career by offering an educational journey that is relevant to their career goals. DD Tech offers 12 career pathways while narrowing the scope of courses to include relevant academics and skill development. The program increases work-based learning experiences such as job shadows, mock interviews, internships, youth apprenticeships, and other career based learning experiences to give students the opportunity to "test drive" a career before graduation. Throughout their education in DD Tech, students earn stackable credentials in order to help them stand out not only on a resume but as an individual. 

DD Technical School

            The Delavan-Darien School District is the only school district in Walworth county to offer a Dual Language Education Program to meet the unique needs and attributes of bilingual learners. The program offers an opportunity for all students to become bilingual and biliterate in Spanish and English, regardless of their linguistic or cultural background. This Two-Way Dual Language program spans grades 4K-12 and includes a pathway to the Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy.

DDSD Dual Language Education Program

DDSD Dual Language Education Program

            DDSD is redefining what being ready for the next level looks like. DDSD is leading the way for a new mentality of "post-secondary credential for all" versus the "college for all" mentality. Students earn while they learn and obtain something that has credibility upon graduation no matter their destination.

DD Technical School

DD Technical School

            In partnership with local business/industry and Gateway Technical College, DDSD is focusing on addressing the readiness gap by giving students applicable education journeys that they are passionate about. Due to this, students are more engaged in their education and work harder to make their dreams come to fruition. This level of engagement will, in turn, address student achievement gaps. Engaging students and giving them a sense of application will foster students that are not only ready for the next level but achieving at a level that is relevant to their future.

            Schedule a tour today to experience one of our five amazing schools in the Delavan-Darien School District by calling 262-233-6800 or enroll online at


This content is from our sponsor. The FOX editorial team was not involved with the creation of this content.
