"A lot of enthusiasm:" Young Chicago Cubs fans get a history lesson with team going to World Series

WILMETTE, IL -- While some older Chicago Cubs fans can remember the last time their team reached the World Series, most have been waiting their entire life for Game 1 on Tuesday, October 25th.

Just as it would be any autumn afternoon, Chicago and its suburbs are decked out for Halloween.

"It's been great," said a Cubs fan. 

For the first time in generations, the Cubs don't have to dress up as champions. They already are.

"I could never ask to be in a better place," said a Cubs fan.

The "W" for win flags are flying everywhere. When it's not flown, it's painted.

At St. Francis Xavier School in suburban Wilmette, Illinois, uniforms were not required -- just anything with Cubs blue.

"They say, 'Go Cubs' every morning to start the day. This is history for our kids and certainly a lot of enthusiasm and energy for each of them as fans, but our teachers are really tapping into that as well," said St. Francis Xavier School Principal Colleen Barrett. 

As the kids learned about poetry with a Cubs theme they may not understand what this time means, their parents and grandparents sure do. They've waited a generations for days like these.

Principal Barrett wanted to make this historic stretch special even if you can understand her initial conflicted feelings.

"I'm a Clevelander, my entire family is there. I'm getting calls and messages daily about how the tribe is going to pull through on this one and I am very adamantly a Cubs fan," said Barrett.

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