Arthur Liebau trades football for baseball

Trading in punting for pitching, he was a standout on two different kinds of fields and now sees his future on the diamond.

Arthur Liebau is one of the boys of summer, a hard-throwing pitcher for the Lakeshore Chinooks in the Northwoods League. Not too long ago, he was also a fall guy, a punter at Lindenwood University, outside St. Louis.

"As of right now, I would say football is past tense for me, yes," Liebau said. "It was fun while I could do it, the two years at school, but as of right now, I'd say it's over."

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In the Northwoods League, there are a lot of players like Liebau who are representing one college while contemplating a move to another school via the transfer portal. Liebau would like to have a new home by the middle of July.

Arthur Liebau

Toward that end, he is intent on making the best possible impression in his appearances for the Chinooks.

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Liebau feels that his right elbow is actually better than before undergoing Tommy John Surgery, and he feels in the groove on the mound so far this season. He envisions lots of successful innings this summer and then at a new school for his fifth season of eligibility.

Arthur Liebau

"Obviously, big dream is Major Leagues, never cut yourself short there. If I keep throwing well, putting myself out there, you never know what could happen," he said. "If something doesn't work, I can try football, see what happens, but otherwise it would be time to call it."

Liebau feels right physically in order to keep his baseball quest going and he has a better understanding of simply what he's dealing with.