Beyond the Game: Pheasant hunting in Lomira | FOX6 Milwaukee

Beyond the Game: Pheasant hunting in Lomira

LOMIRA (WITI) -- For many Wisconsinites, there is nothing quite like hunting or fishing in the great outdoors. FOX6's Tom Pipines joined a charity pheasant hunt -- set up for a lot of fun, as well as a good cause.

Wild Wings Sportsman's Club in Lomira features hundreds of pristine acres. Guide Jeff Szukalski led the group with his dog, Jack.

Jeanne Bartoluczi had never been on a pheasant hunt before. The first time probably won't be her last! Bartoluczi's father, Dick Rousseau has been hunting since he was 18. On this day, Rousseau was one-upped by his rookie daughter!

"It's really great to have her out, but she got a bird and I didn't," Rousseau said.

The hunt was a real family affair. Rousseau's son and Bartoluczi's brother Paul prefers this sort of activity over any other for one simple but profound reason: peace of mind, and a chance to take in the wildlife.

Paul's uncle John has hunted in Africa, Alaska and British Columbia. The challenge of the hunt aside -- he says it is all about camaraderie.

John and Dick Rousseau put up the money to make this pheasant trip happen. Their donation benefited the Boys & Girls Clubs of Washington County. Jeanne -- the day's "Most Valuable Hunter" appreciated that gesture.

Gerry Kruschka owns the Wild Wings Sportsman's Club with his wife, Laura. Gerry likes to say that he left the world of "suits and ties" 10 years ago to follow a dream. They have gone from 38 customers to 850 members, and 50% of their hunts are for non-members.

Tommy Kraus and his wife Nancy have given tirelessly to the cause in the name of their late son, Zach. The owners of Emily's Restaurant in West Bend hosted an event leading up to the hunt that raised $4,000.